10 Inspirational Business Videos from TED

To be frank, the message in these videos can be applied to other areas of life, not only business. TED has always been a great source of inspiration, new ideas, and extraordinary talks. Let’s get right into it.

Gary Vaynerchuk: Do what you love (no excuses!)

The title just says it all. Gary delivers the speech powerfully emphasizing on persistence and passion for doing what you love and what makes you happy. Monetizing what you do is absolutely possible. Plus the internet has made the recipe for success more realistic and now the whole idea is much easier to conceive.

Richard St. John: “Success is a continuous journey”

Richard St. John talks about success. He delivers a very simple but absolutely meaningful message on how you can reach success and then hold on to it. His message, in general, is: if you stop trying to reach for success, failure will come and hit you hard sooner than you think.

Seth Godin on tribes we lead

A very powerful talk delivered by the master marketer himself. He shares the reality that building “tribes” can be a great key in making a huge change in the world, even in the business industry. So the message is: you lead a movement, connect and build a culture, challenge the status quo and make a difference.

Derek Sivers: How to start a movement

If you notice, business and leadership is essentially the same thing. In this video, Derek shares how you can start a movement and what the real role of the leader is. Short, fun and insightful video!

Steve Jobs: How to live before you die

In this video, Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, gives ones of the most recognizable speeches of recent. “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” Three stories that teach not only how to do business but how to live… Because earning a life is much more important than earning a living.

Tom Wujec: Build a tower, build a team

The qualities of teams and the principles of effective teamwork based on a cool concept called the marshmallow challenge. Find out what the challenge is, and how it can help you understand why some teams are extremely effective while others stay behind.

Lisa Gansky: The future of business is the “mesh”

Mesh is one great idea that our business industry is facing now, and will still be facing in the future. Basically, “mesh” is about sharing things, all sorts of things. This “meshy” movement is applicable for different businesses and can happen in many ways. Watch the video to find out what I’m on about.

Seth Godin on standing out

Seth Godin knows a thing or two about standing out. In this video he shares why standing out is so important for business. Creating extraordinary things or ideas is the way to be successful. Extraordinary and outrageous things get noticed. Stand out and get noticed!

Richard St. John’s 8 secrets of success

Another great talk by Richard St. John. In this one he shares his research results on the secrets of achieving success. He came up with 8 essential leads that can point you towards success. It’s a simple, brief, concise and useful video.

Jason Fried: Why work doesn’t happen at work

This one is really interesting. I mean, not particularly surprising, but interesting. As it turns out we rarely do the work at work. Many people, when need to get something done, prefer other places, like: a restaurant, a plane, and so on. In this video Jason explains why, and gives some suggestions on how to get the work done.

Here you go. 10 great videos. Feel free to shoot me a comment if you have more videos you’d like to add to this list.

Karol K
Karol K

Karol K is a writer, content strategist, Notion aficionado, and WordPress figure-outer with over 20 years of experience around websites, content creation, and optimizing personal productivity processes. With his expertise underpinned by a master's degree in computer science, he authored "WordPress Complete" - the ultimate WordPress handbook for newbies. His work has been published across numerous industry websites.


  1. Carrol Monnet

    Carrol Monnet

    I particularly enjoyed Gary V’s video. I manage a wine store and have a blog about wine and beer so he is sort of my idol/mentor. I hope there is room for both of us. :)

  2. Karol K

    Karol K.

    I’m sure there is. Gary has paved the way for many people in his field… and in many other fields for that matter.

  3. Lior Zazon

    Lior Zazon

    I`m trying to watch Steve Jobs video, all I see is people acting to him like he is some kind of god, I will say that again, Overpriced material just for the gimmick.

  4. Karol K

    Karol K.

    That’s the thing with Steve. Some people love him some people hate him. Better this than not being noticed at all.

  5. Arina


    Great collection! I just love TED talks, I always recommend watching TED instead of TV :) I compiled my own list of inspirational TED videos at http://www.arinanikitina.com/best-of-ted-top-41-inspirational-ted-talks.html

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